Relentless Representation For Your Family Law Challenges

The Child(ren)’s Interests Remain The Priority

Most parents love their children and would do everything they can to protect them from harm. It is surprising, then, when parents enter into divorce and intend to use every “weapon” at their disposal to hurt their ex-spouse. Too often, one of the weapons is fighting aggressively for custody of their child or children.

At Hecht & Associates, LLC, we never forget that behind every divorce are real people, with real hopes and fears for their future and their families. Our first objective is to address the emotion that part of a high-conflict custody battle. We take the time to explain the law and empower our clients with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about what truly is best for their child’s future.

“Because we represent men and women equally, we can see the perspective each parent has toward their children. To be clear, a family lawyer needs to understand and convey to their clients that children who are the products of high-conflict divorce or litigation are at an inherent disadvantage.” – Spencer Hecht

There Is So Much At Stake In Custody Battles. Call Us.

Whether your high-conflict child custody battle is the result of divorce, child support or a post-divorce modification, talk to an experienced attorney at Hecht & Associates in Rockville, Maryland. We know how to help. We are ready to help. We want to help. Call us at 301-861-4797 or contact us by email with a brief explanation of your circumstances.